As an Independent Curator, I specialize in multimedia indoor and outdoor exhibitions. I have extensive experience - thematically based, solo and group exhibitions as well as thematically based exhibitions. My work involves creative collaboration and I enjoy transforming museum, gallery and non-traditional spaces. (see photos of curatorial projects below). As my own studio work is steeped in photography and video, I am happy to put proposals together for photoshoots and/or video shoots. (see examples of performance documentation at the bottom of this page, and visit my Vimeo site HERE). I’ve worked underwater, in snowbanks, on train tracks, in the streets and in elevator shafts, exploring each site-specific challenge. If you are an artist looking for representation or marketing services, I manage multiple social media accounts at a time, perform website work, and PR.
Please contact my studio at: kelly@ to request a proposal including rates/fees, or to set up a meeting to discuss your vision!
Traces • Edgewater Gallery Stowe • solo exhibition • artist Rachel Moore
Edgewater Gallery Stowe • solo exhibition • artist Galen Cheney
Exploring Air • Edgewater Gallery Stowe • group exhibition
Art of Sound • Spruce Peak Arts • group exhibition • video installation - Susan Calza
Elevation 4393’ • Spruce Peak Arts • sculpture and outdoor projected animations on snow * artist Jackson Tupper
Altered Spaces • Spruce Peak Arts • group exhibition
Looking Outward • Spruce Peak Arts • indoor/outdoor video projection with sound, sculpture • Artists: Rural Noise Ensemble (Sean Clute and Otto Muller) and Harlan Mack
AutoBiography performancee • Marketplace Garage Burliington VT • Created by Erika Senft Miller
OffSiteOnTime - Karma Birdhouse Elevator Burlington VT • created by Erika Senft Miller